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In the discussion of who was the first Roman emperor one has to understand that at the end of the Roman Republic there was no new, and certainly not a single, title created with which to indicate the individual who had the supreme power as a monarch. Insofar as emperor could be seen as the English translation of imperator, then Julius Caesar had been an emperor, like several Roman generals before him. Instead, by the end of the civil wars in which Julius Caesar had led his armies, it became clear on the one hand that there was certainly no consensus to return to the old-style monarchy, and that on the other hand the situation where several officials, bestowed with equal power by the senate, fought one another had to come to an end.

Julius Caesar-and a few years later Octavian in an even more subtle and gradual way-worked towards several goals: accumulating offices and titles that were of the highest importance in the Republic; making the power attached to these offices permanent; and preventing anyone with similar aspirations from accumulating or maintaining power for themselves. However, Julius Caesar, unlike those after him, did so without the Senate's vote and approval.

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The title Imperator was not a rulership one - it was an enthusiastic acclaim, given to a successful general on a battlefield after a win, by his soldiers, and had no political significance.

An official title of a monarch was Rex (King), but the kings were disposed of 400 years earlier, and any association with pretensions to be king were very dangerous. Earlier in the long-running Roman revolution Sulla took the title of Dictator - normal a six-month appointment to solve an electoral or military problem - and extended it for a couple of years to settle the political problems then stood down, but the trouble makers then set about dismantling his settlement. Later Julius Caesar thought to circumvent this unwinding of reforms by making himself Dictator for life - this was regarded as taking on kingly power, and he was assassinated to end this unacceptable term of office.

His heir Octavian solved this problem by taking on the powers, but not office, of a magistrate and of tribune of the plebs, but left the Senate largely intact, calling himself by the traditional senate-leader title Princeps. He additionally took on a neutral honorific title of Augustus, and so avoided the King danger.

Modern parlance erroneously uses the more modern word Emperor, which didn't exist at that time. The first 200 years from Augustus onwards is more properly called the Principate, until full authoritarisam took over, when Emperor could reasonable be used to describe the office.

Modern usage gives the title Emperor to Octavian Augustus, but it had no meaning to him or anyone at the time, as explained above.

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6y ago

The first emperor of Rome was Augustus, who became emperor after Julius Caesar was assassinated.

Octavian, who later became known as Augustus Caesar. Octavian was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is often confused as first Emperor but was in fact Dictator.
The first emperor of Rome was Augustus. As Rome's first emperor, Augustus transformed the unruly Republic into the greatest empire the world had ever seen. His consolidation and expansion of Roman power two thousand years ago laid the foundations, for all of Western history to follow.

For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section indicated below.
Augustus Caesar
octavian (later renamed augustus)
Augustus was the first emperor of Rome.
Caesar Augustus, formerly called Octavian, the nephew of Julius Caesar.

First Roman Emperor, 63 B.C. - 14 C.E.
It was Julius Caesar

AnswerThe first roman emperer was Gaius Julius Caesar(born July 13th 100 BC - died 44 BC) He overthrew the senate becoming dictator of Rome for ten years but died was murdered before that time could expire. He was succeeded by his greatnephew Augustus (who used to be called octavian) Augustus was the firstroman leader tohave the title of emperer although caesars dictator of rome position was emperer in all but name. After Caesar every emperer was addressed as either emperer of rome or Caesar. AnswerThe person generally recognized as the first Roman Emperor was Octavian, who is better remembered by the title Augustus. It was the title of Augustus, first conferred on Octavian, that made a person the emperor.

There was also a title of imperator, which simply meant commander of dictator, and from which the word emperor is derived, but this was an older title without clear legal definition, and there were people who had it before Julius Caesar.

The title Caesar came in time to refer to the person next in line to be emperor. Also, there were many times in the history of the empire when there was more than one recognized emperor. Diocletian attempted to set things up so there were two men with the title of Augustus and two with the title of Caesar.
The first emperor of Rome was Caesar Augustus. He ruled from 30 BC to 14 AD.
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, or just known as Augustus.
Julius Caesar
Octavian/Augustus was the first emperor of Rome.

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Octavian/Augustus was the first emperor of Rome.

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14y ago

Pompey was given a special grant of imperium by the Senate in early 77 b.c. then Antonius in 74 b.c.

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13y ago

The first emperor of Rome was Caesar Augustus. He ruled from 30 BC to 14 AD.

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Augustus was the first roman emperor

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Augustus was the first emperor of Rome.

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