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Vasco da Gama

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Q: Who was the first European to sail to India?
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What European country was the first to sail eastward by sea?

Portugal was the first country to sail eastward. Vasco da Gama was the first to sail around Africa and discover India

First European to sail to India starting with d?

Dom Vasco da Gama was the first European to reach India by sea. He linked for the first time Europe and Asia by ocean route.

What country was Vasco da Gama the first European to reach?

India. The question is a little misleading, I somehow doubt that da Gama was the first European explorer to visit India others had probably made it overland. However, he was the first European to sail to India by the way of Cape Horn.

Who was the first westerner to sail around the Cape of Good Hope to Asia?

Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to sail round the Cape of Good Hope which allowed Vasco Da Gama to be the first to sail to India using this route, arriving in May 1498.

What discovery did Vasco da Gama make?

Vasco Da Gama was the first European to sail around Africa and go all the way to India.

How do you spell Vasco's last name?

For the Portuguese explorer, da Gama.Vasco da Gama is credited with being the first European to sail around Africa to India.

The portuguese were the first European mariners to reach the shores of this Asian nation?

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to sail directly to Asia. They were first to reach the shores of India, China, Indonesia and several other places.

Who was the first European to sail around NZ?

Captain Cook

Who was the first European captain to sail around the tip of Africa?

Bartolomeu Dias. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India ten years later.

Who were the first European trade with India?

the portuguese were the first to trade in India...........

What were some of vasco da gama's accomplishments?

He sailed four ships to India Vasco da Gama had several accomplishments to his name. The main achievement that he is remembered for is establishing a trade route from Portugal to India. He sailed around the tip of Africa all the way to India.

When did sir francis drake first set sail?

in india