Mark Antony was roman general serving under Julius Caesar at the time. Julius fell in love with Cleopatra before being murdered and betrayed by Brutus. However Mark Antony continued to serve in Egypt (which was under roman rule) he too fell in love with Cleopatra and was then killed during an Egyptian uprising.
Gaius Julius CaesarUndine
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar met in 47 BC. It is doubtful if Cleopatra ever fell in love with Caesar, or Caesar with her. They had an affair, that's all.
Julius Caesar had two sisters. Both were called Julia, which was a common name.
first of all its potlemy and it started because ceasure fell in love with cleopatra and potlemy kicked her out of egypt
Julius Caesar fell in love with the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. After Caesar's death in 44 B.C., Cleopatra fell in love with Caesar's best friend, Marc Antony.
Julius Caesar had been in love with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Caesar and she had a child based on their romantic relationship. Later, Caesar's friend Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra and they were married in Egypt.
Cleopatra was supposed to have fallen in love with Caesar.
julius caesar
Julius Caesar fell in love with Cleopatra.
Mark Antony was roman general serving under Julius Caesar at the time. Julius fell in love with Cleopatra before being murdered and betrayed by Brutus. However Mark Antony continued to serve in Egypt (which was under roman rule) he too fell in love with Cleopatra and was then killed during an Egyptian uprising.
Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.
Marc Anthony
The princess Aladdin falls in love with is named Princess Jasmine.
Gaius Julius CaesarUndine
Julius Caesar. it was figured out that they were gay, and had make out sessions a lot.