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Q: Who was the british prime minister in 1999?
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the prime minister in 1999 was john howard

Who was Australias prime minister 1999?

John Howard was the Prime Minister of Australia in 1999.

When did roosevelt meet with british prime minister?

rosevelt meet british prime minister in 1941.

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Margaret Thatcher was the British Prime Minister who opposed the nationalization of British Industry. She served as Prime Minister from 1979 - 1990.

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Wales has a Prime Minister, who is called a First Minister, to distiguish them from the British Prime Minister.

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What action prompted WHICH British Prime Minister to do WHAT?? You need to be more specific!!

Who was the prime minister from 1939 to 1945?

British Prime Minister : Winston Churchill .

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Clement Attlee was the British prime minister

What official is next to the British prime minister?

There is usually a Deputy Prime Minister.

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The British Prime Minister was Herbert Asquith

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Oqil Oqilov is the Prime Minister of Tajikistan.Oqilov became the 7th Prime Minister of Tajikistan on 1999.

What was the British prime minister?

Brittish prime minister 2009 will be Lauren mills Brittish prime minister 2009 will be Lauren mills