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General Joseph Johnston was a better defense minded general (as was the genius Longstreet) and thus better suited for that war. Unfortunately, Johnston was not liked by President Davis. However, he and Lee were admired greatly by their men. Both were excellent logisticians. Johnston was more of a believer in a defensive war, while Lee gets the nod on offensive strategy. While in command of the Confederate army in Virginia, Johnston was wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines in May 1862. Lee was promoted into Johnston's position of command while Johnston was in recovery, so we'll never really know. Johnston may very well have finished the war stronger than Lee.

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Q: Who was the better general Robert E Lee or Joseph E Johnston?
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Why was General Robert E. Lee asked to replace General Joseph A. Johnston in the midst of the Peninsula campaign in 1862?

Confederate General Johnston was badly wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines. Aside from that, Lee was the better General. Johnston gave up ground when he did not have to, and he did not work and play well with others.

Who was the conferterate general at bull run?

First Bull Run, Joseph E. Johnston - also P.G.T. Beauregard who had a better knowledge of the terrain, and to whom Johnston ceded some authority. Second Bull Run, Robert E. Lee, with his indispensable team-partner Stonewall Jackson.

Who was the confederate general at the first Battle of Bull Run?

The Confederate general at the First Battle of Bull Run was General P.G.T. Beauregard.

When did Confederate General Johnston be replaced by General John Bell Hood?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis became dissatisfied with General Johnston's inability to stop the Union's advance towards Atlanta. Union General Sherman was making steady progress and Davis believed a more aggressive John Bell Hood would better protect Atlanta. On July 17, 1864 Bell replaced Johnston.

What general was responsible for the Confederate victory at the First Battle of Bull Run?

Command was split between Joseph E. Johnston (the senior man) and P.G.T. Beauregard, who was more familiar with the terrain. It was also the battle where 'Stonewall' Jackson acquired his nickname, though whether it was actually meant as a compliment is still debated.

Related questions

Why was General Robert E. Lee asked to replace General Joseph A. Johnston in the midst of the Peninsula campaign in 1862?

Confederate General Johnston was badly wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines. Aside from that, Lee was the better General. Johnston gave up ground when he did not have to, and he did not work and play well with others.

The Unions General Grant and the Confederates General Johnston engaged in a terrible battle at in April of 1862?

That was Shiloh in Western Tennessee. Remember, the Confederate commanding General (killed in the battle) was Sidney Johnston, not the better-known Joseph E. Johnston - no relation - who later commanded the Army of Tennessee.

Who was the conferterate general at bull run?

First Bull Run, Joseph E. Johnston - also P.G.T. Beauregard who had a better knowledge of the terrain, and to whom Johnston ceded some authority. Second Bull Run, Robert E. Lee, with his indispensable team-partner Stonewall Jackson.

Who was the confederate general at the first Battle of Bull Run?

The Confederate general at the First Battle of Bull Run was General P.G.T. Beauregard.

What general did Confederate President Davis believe was the best person to replace Braxton Bragg in the Western Theater?

President Jefferson Davis believed that Lieutenant General Robert E. Lee was the best general to replace Braxton Bragg as the commander of the Army of Tennessee. Lee was able to convince Davis that another choice would be better. He suggested PT Beauregard, however, Davis finally appointed General Joseph Johnston to the vacancy.

When did Confederate General Johnston be replaced by General John Bell Hood?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis became dissatisfied with General Johnston's inability to stop the Union's advance towards Atlanta. Union General Sherman was making steady progress and Davis believed a more aggressive John Bell Hood would better protect Atlanta. On July 17, 1864 Bell replaced Johnston.

What general was responsible for the Confederate victory at the First Battle of Bull Run?

Command was split between Joseph E. Johnston (the senior man) and P.G.T. Beauregard, who was more familiar with the terrain. It was also the battle where 'Stonewall' Jackson acquired his nickname, though whether it was actually meant as a compliment is still debated.

What were Confederate advantages in the Civil War?

They had better leadership like general Robert E. Lee?

What was a primary military concern of Jefferson Davis in late February 1862?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis was alarmed in late February of 1862 about the Union's progress in taking Roanoke Island and its victories in North Carolina. To ease this situation, Davis and General Joseph Johnston agreed that Johnston's army need to be larger and it needed to move south to better protect Richmond.

What was Union General McClellan's response when General Lee took command of Rebel forces on the Peninsula?

Confederate Joseph Johnston was badly wounded at the Peninsula battle of Fair Oaks. On June 1, 1862, Jefferson Davis appointed Robert E. Lee to take command of the forces defending Richmond. Previously McClellan had written to President Lincoln concerning the possibility of having to face General Lee. In his letter he describes Lee as being too weak and cautious if presented with any heavy responsibility. McClellan informed Lincoln that he believed Confederate General Joseph was a better general than Lee. He did, however, grant that Lee was personally of brave character, but not brave in terms of directing combat troops.

What Confederate general was sent to take command of the Western Department in 1862?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis saw the need for better results in the western theater. On November 24, 1862, he appointed General Joseph Johnston to take command of the Western Department. At that time this area was comprised of Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and eastern Louisiana.

Whose side was General Grant on?

he was on the North, which won, but Robert E. Lee, who commanded the south, was the better general of the two