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Dr. David Livingstone

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Q: Who was the best known explorer and missionary tha crisscrossed Africa and wrote about the people he met and opposed the slave trade?
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What explorer and missionary discovered new information about the interior of Africa?

The British

Who were the missionary and the newspaper reporters famous for their explorations of unknown parts of Africa in the 1800's?

David Livingstone was a missionary and an explorer in Africa. Georg Schmidt was a missionary to South Africa. Casalis and Arbousset were missionaries sent by the Parisian Missionary Society.

Who was the Scottish explorer who explored southern Africa from 1841 to 1873?

David Livingstone was the Scottish explorer and missionary who explored Africa during the mid to late 1800's.

Who was the missionary and explorer who mapped out the dark continent?

David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary and explorer, is best known for his extensive travels in Africa and his efforts to map the continent. Livingstone's maps and writings played a significant role in expanding European knowledge of Africa during the 19th century.

What did david livingstone do in Africa?

Dr. David Livingstone was a medical missionary from Scotland. He traveled to Africa as an explorer, and lived there until he died.

Who wanted spread Christianity to Africa and help end slave trade?

David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary and explorer, was passionate about spreading Christianity in Africa and helping to end the slave trade. He believed that faith and commerce could open Africa to civilizing influences, and he actively opposed the slave trade while advocating for African exploration and evangelism.

What nationality was the explorer David Livingstone?

British.David Livingstone (19 March 1813 - 1 May 1873) was a Scottish Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in Africa. His meeting with H. M. Stanley gave rise to the popular quotation, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?".

What did David Livingstone do that was so important?

David Livingstone was an important Scottish explorer and missionary who extensively explored Africa in the 19th century. He is known for his efforts in mapping out previously uncharted territories, promoting trade and ending the slave trade. Livingstone's work brought awareness to the European public about the African continent and its people.

Who was david livingstone what is a missionary?

David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary and explorer who became famous for his expeditions in Africa in the mid-19th century. A missionary is a person who travels to a foreign country to spread their religion and provide assistance to the local community, often focusing on education, healthcare, and social services.

When did David Livingstone travel?

David Livingstone left England in December 1840 and arrived in South Africa in July 1841. There he continued as an explorer and missionary traveling in Africa till he died on 1st May 1873.

Was Francis of Assisi a missionary?

Yes, he did do missionary work especially to the Muslims of North Africa.

How did David Livingstone get to Africa?

He arrived in Africa in 1841 as a missionary.