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Q: Who was the author of an explanatory indictment signed on July 4 1776 that accused george 3 of establishing a military dictaorship?
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Who was the author of an explanatory indictment signed on July 4 1776 the accused George III of establishing a military dictatorship?

Thomas Jefferson

Author of an explanatory indictment signed on July 4 1776 that accused george III of establishing a military dictatorship?

Thomas Jefferson

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NSTP stands for National Service Training Program. The guiding principle in establishing the NSTP is to encourage youth to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers in the event their services are needed.

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They used the military to defeat the native population.

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Imam Musa Sadr first and now Sayed Hussain Nasrollah and supported but Iran.

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The role that John C. Fremont took in establishing a presence in California for America was becoming a military governor in 1846. However, he was court martialed for mutiny and insubordination.

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Who was John C Fremont and what role did he play in establishing an American presence in California?

The role that John C. Fremont took in establishing a presence in California for America was becoming a military governor in 1846. However, he was court martialed for mutiny and insubordination.

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Germany's economy became better than it was before after militarism because so many more jobs were needed and created while building up a military.

What are the limits and abilities of Congress?

POWERS ˜ To borrow money on the credit of the United States ˜ The Property Clause Power ˜ The power to regulate Federal Property ˜ Fiscal Powers- levying and colleting taxes ˜ Trade Regulations- regulate foreign and interstate trade ˜ Military Power- responsible for defending our country by establishing a military force; to see that military laws are enforced; to declare war ˜ Other Powers- responsible for establishing rules citizenship in the United States; to maintain post office; to make laws for copyrights and patents; and govern the District of Colombia