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It was all the delegates that would come and the Speaker of the House, Vice President and the first president.

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ost likely to show his support, even thogh there are apparent flaws.

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Q: Who was the audience in the speech in the convention by Benjamin Franklin?
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What was Benjamin Franklin at the Constitutional Convention?

Franklin served as what was then called an "elder statesman" giving occasional wise advice. It is likely that his speech on the last day of the convention made the difference in getting the Constitution passed.

Did Benjamin Franklin propose anything at the Constitutional Convention?

Pennsylvania delegate Benjamin Franklin, one of the few Americans of the time with international repute, wanted to give a short speech to the Convention prior to the signing of the final draft of the Constitution. Too weak to actually give the speech himself, he had fellow Pennsylvanian James Wilson deliver the speech. It is considered a masterpiece.

Did Benjamin Franklin have a famous speech?

a penny saved a penny earned

What did Benjamin Franklin have to do with constitution?

Franklin attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia but, due to his age and health, he was not a major participant there. He was more of a wise old sage, giving advice when needed. His speech in support of its ratification may have persuaded a few minds who were on the fence.

What is Benjamin frankin famous speeches?

Benjamin Franklin was known for delivering a number of famous speeches, including his "Speech to the Constitutional Convention" urging the delegates to sign the U.S. Constitution, and his "Speech Before the Pennsylvania Assembly" advocating for colonial unity during the French and Indian War. Franklin was also known for his persuasive and powerful speeches during his time as a diplomat in France, where he advocated for American independence.

Did benjamin Franklin sign the Gettysburg address?

Nobody singed the Gettysburg Address, it was a speech, not a letter. And Franklin had been dead for decades when Lincoln gave the speech.

The likely audience Patrick Henrys speech is intended for is?

the delegates of the second virginia convention

What did Franklin do in 1787?

Franklin wrote a small speech in 1787. This speech was to be read at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, but since he was feeling weak, he had James Wilson read it for him. It is known as a masterpiece.

What salary did Benjamin Franklin advocate for the President of the US during debates at the Constitutional Convention?

Between the time of the Virginia and New Jersey Plans, Benjamin Franklin prepared a speech, which his colleague James Wilson delivered, in support of a motion providing that the nation would pay for the presidents' expenses but that they "shall receive no salary, stipend fee or reward whatsoever for their services"

What was Benjamin Franklin's attitude towards the constitution?

Benjamin Franklin's attitude towards the new constitution was supportive. He was supportive of the freedom of speech and considered one of America's founding fathers.

Why does Patrick Henry make use of a biblical quotation in his speech to the Virginia convention?

To appeal to his audience faith

What confession does Franklin make in the first paragraph of Speech in the Convention What effect does he achieve with this confession?

That there are parts of the constitution that he doesn't like