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Q: Who was the US President before Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish American War?
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Did Teddy Roosevelt fight a war or become president first?

He fought in the Spanish American War before he beacame president.

What war did Theodore Roosevelt go to?

Before becoming US President, Theodore Roosevelt was the organizer of the "Rough Riders" who served in the Spanish American War in 1898.

What year did Theodore Roosevelt go to war?

Before becoming US President, Theodore Roosevelt was the organizer of the "Rough Riders" who served in the Spanish American War in 1898.

What was Thodore Roosevelt's job before he was president?

Theodore Roosevelt was US Vice-President.

What did Theodore Roosevelt do before he was vice president?

Theodore Roosevelt was a New York State Assemblyman, US Civil Service Commissioner, President of the New York Board of Police Commissioners, Governor of New York State, Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Colonel of Cavalry in the Spanish American War,. He was also an author and rancher.

What was Theodore Roosevelt profession before becoming president?

Theodore Roosevelt was a great many things, but describing him a word: politician. He was a NY state Assemblyman, US Civil Service Commissioner, President of the New York Board of Police Commissioners, Governor of NY State, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Colonel of the "Rough Riders" in the Spanish American War, and Vice-President of the US, all before the age of 42.

What else was Teddy Roosevelt besides president?

Before he became President, Theodore Roosevelt was a New York state assemblyman, U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, President of New York Board of Police Commissioners, Assisstant Secretary of the Navy, a Lieutenant Colonel and then Colonel in the Spanish-American War, Governor of New York, and Vice-President. SOURCE: "Presidents: All You Need To Know" by Carter Smith

Did Roosevelt come before or after Truman?

Before. Truman was Roosevelt's VP. When Roosevelt died in 1945, Truman was sworn in as president.

Who was first as president Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt?

Hoover was president immediately before Franklin Roosevelt.

What did Teddy Roosevelt do before he became prresident?

Before becoming president, Teddy Roosevelt held various positions including serving as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, being the Governor of New York, and leading the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American War. He also worked as a rancher and writer, and was active in politics at both the state and national levels.

What president did Churchill have a close relationship with?

Mainly, Franklin D. Roosevelt in World War II. But long before, he had served in the Cuban war under the future President Theodore Roosevelt. (Remember, Churchill was half-American).

Why did Teddy Roosevelt lead the rough riders in the Spanish American war?

Theodore Roosevelt organized and equipped the "Rough Riders" (oficially: 1st Volunteer Cavalry Regiment) . During the Spanish American War, Roosevelt performed heroically in the attack on San Juan Hill (Kettle Hill). His courage put his name and deeds in all the newspapers, a great help if you're thinking of running for President.