

Best Answer

Alexander 3

Also his son, Nicholas II.

Also, one of the worst persecutors was Joseph Stalin. Stalin was in favor of granting the different nationalities in the new Soviet Union some aspects of autonomy especially where a particular cultural group dominated a particular area. The one group he refused to give this to was the Jews. In the 1930s, mllions were imprisoned, exiled or starved solely because they were Jewish.

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Q: Who was the Russian leader who persecuted the Jews?
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Alexander 3 Also his son, Nicholas II. Also, one of the worst persecutors was Joseph Stalin. Stalin was in favor of granting the different nationalities in the new Soviet Union some aspects of autonomy especially where a particular cultural group dominated a particular area. The one group he refused to give this to was the Jews. In the 1930s, mllions were imprisoned, exiled or starved solely because they were Jewish.

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