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who was the ruler

of the minoans

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Q: Who was the Ruler over Crete in the Minoan Civilization?
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The Minoan inhabited the island of?

The Minoan homeland was the island of Crete but they were trading all over the eastern Mediterranean and had colonies on other islands nearby such as Thera, (Santorini), Rhodes and others.

How did Minoan's civilization disappeared?

No one is sure how it disappeared It could have been a natural disaster, or another civilization could have invaded them and took over.

Why was the Minoan civlization on crete able to flourish?

It is very likely that the Minoan civilisation developed thanks to the strategic location of Crete. This island was in a good position for trade with the other Greek islands, the Greek mainland and, more generally, the eastern Mediterranean. Trade and the prosperity and cultural contacts it created was usually an important factor in the development of civilisations.

Who were the Minoan people?

The Minoans were a powerful sea faring people. They lived on Crete, which is an island in the Aegean Sea; the Aegean Sea is located west of Turkey and southeast of Greece. The Minoans lived and dominated Crete from around 3000 BC to 1500 BC. The dates aren't exact though. The Minoans dominated trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. They had a deep culture in the arts. They are assumed to be a peaceful people for excavations done the ruins showed that there were no fortifications. The demise of the Minoans is unknown. Some believe that the natural disasters that had struck the Minoans in their last years is what led to their downfall. Some believe that people from Greece had taken over.

Who ruled over Greece?

Greece has a democratic republic form of Parliament. The Prime Minister of Greece is the head of the Greek Parliament.

Related questions

The Minoan inhabited the island of?

The Minoan homeland was the island of Crete but they were trading all over the eastern Mediterranean and had colonies on other islands nearby such as Thera, (Santorini), Rhodes and others.

What year did the volcano in Santorini erupt causing a tsunami over Crete?

The volcano in Santorini, known as Thera, is believed to have erupted around 1600 BC causing a massive tsunami that affected the neighboring island of Crete. This event is often associated with the decline of the Minoan civilization on Crete.

How did Minoan's civilization disappeared?

No one is sure how it disappeared It could have been a natural disaster, or another civilization could have invaded them and took over.

What causes change in civilization?

over population, bad ruler, people moving to different places

Why was the Minoan civlization on crete able to flourish?

It is very likely that the Minoan civilisation developed thanks to the strategic location of Crete. This island was in a good position for trade with the other Greek islands, the Greek mainland and, more generally, the eastern Mediterranean. Trade and the prosperity and cultural contacts it created was usually an important factor in the development of civilisations.

When is the myth of Daedalus and Icarus?

Because Minos, Daedalus and Icarus are mythological people, no dates are ever given. However, Minos was the last King of Crete that was dominant over Mycenaean Era Athens, which means that Crete began to diminish in power during his rule. Historically, it was during the 15th century BC that the Minoan civilization began to wane after a series of natural disasters, leading up to a Mycenaean Greek invasion around 1420BC. So it could be assumed that the story took place some time before that, but not long.

Who were the Minoan people?

The Minoans were a powerful sea faring people. They lived on Crete, which is an island in the Aegean Sea; the Aegean Sea is located west of Turkey and southeast of Greece. The Minoans lived and dominated Crete from around 3000 BC to 1500 BC. The dates aren't exact though. The Minoans dominated trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. They had a deep culture in the arts. They are assumed to be a peaceful people for excavations done the ruins showed that there were no fortifications. The demise of the Minoans is unknown. Some believe that the natural disasters that had struck the Minoans in their last years is what led to their downfall. Some believe that people from Greece had taken over.

Who took over crete from the Minoans?

The Mycenaeans.

Who ruled over Greece?

Greece has a democratic republic form of Parliament. The Prime Minister of Greece is the head of the Greek Parliament.

Is crete an island off the coast of Greece?

Yes. The island of Crete is the biggest island in Greece and it has a long and honorable tradition. Crete was the centre of Europe's most ancient civilization, the Minoan. Tablets inscribed in Linear A have been found in numerous sites in Crete, and a few in the Aegean islands. The Minoans established themselves in many islands besides Crete: secure identifications of Minoan off-island sites include Kea, Kythera, Milos, Rhodes and above all, Thera (Santorini). Archaeologists ever since Sir Arthur Evans have identified and uncovered the palace-complex at Knossos, the most famous Minoan site. Other palace sites in Crete such as Phaistos have uncovered magnificent stone-built, multi-story palaces containing drainage systems, and the queen had a bath and a flushing toilet. The expertise displayed in the hydraulic engineering was of a very high level. There were no defensive walls to the complexes. By the 16th century BC pottery and other remains on the Greek mainland show that the Minoans had far-reaching contacts on the mainland. In the 16th century a major earthquake caused destruction on Crete and on Thera that was swiftly repaired. By about the 15th century BC a massive volcanic explosion known as the Minoan eruption blew the island of Thera apart, casting more than four times the amount of ejecta as the explosion of Krakatoa and generating a tsunami in the enclosed Aegean that threw pumice up to 250 meters above sea level onto the slopes of Anaphi, 27 km to the east. Any fleet along the north shore of Crete was destroyed and John Chadwick suggests that the majority of Cretan fleets had kept the island secure from the Greek-speaking mainlanders. The sites, save Knossos, were destroyed by fires.Mycenaeans from the mainland took over Knossos, rebuilding some parts to suit them. They were in turn subsumed by a subsequent Dorian migration.

Did crete invent pacman?

yes then it took them over

What were Minoan and Mycenaean culture like?

The Minoan Civilization was a civilization lost for years and is belived to may be the lost city of Atlantis. It was a rich civilization buried under a hill of dust which is believed to have beeen caused by a great eruption on Crete by its volcano. This volcano eruption was told to have cause tsunamis through the ocean, burring the land, and burring it in dust. The eruption was guessed to have been so bad that the smoke traveled around the world givinng of days of darkness in which crops didnt seem to grow. Another factor of the Minoan civilization was that they were very peaceful and didn't like to fight at all. there lives were full of peace wisdom and wealth and is a great mystery for all to search. It is believed that the minoans knew of the eruption before hand because not many bodies were found. Also something equisit found about the minoans is that they had running water and there houses were like mantions. They are a very intresting group of people to research so i advise checking them out. However the myceneans were a volgor group of people. they loved to fight and cause trouble and seize power. another prediction about the downflal of the minoans is that the myceneans took over there land and mixed their cultures.