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Brigham Young lead the first group of Mormon pioneers along the Mormon Trail to Utah in 1846-47. Subsequent groups came over the next 25 years lead by various experienced trail guides.

The Mormon Trail followed a similar route to the Oregon Trail until Wyoming, when it went south to Utah rather than north to Oregon.

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John Bartleson was their leader at first, but then John Bidwell took over later.

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a lot of them

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Q: Who was the Mormon leader who led the Mormons along the Oregon Trail to Utah?
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How many Mormons were on the trail?

Approximately 70,000 Mormon Pioneers traveled the Mormon Trail between 1845 and 1869.

Why didnt the Mormons take the Oregon Trail?

The trail followed by Mormon pioneers mostly paralleled the Oregon Trail, at times merged with it, and at a few points diverged completely from it. The reason for following the general course of the Oregon trail was primarily because it had been mapped out by traders and trappers several years prior to their own exodus from Nauvoo, Ill. However, because of the adversarial relationship between the Mormons and many immigrants from both Illinois and Missouri (where an "extermination order" was still in effect at that time), the Mormon immigrants opted to follow a course that also followed the Platte river, but on the opposite side from most Oregon-bound parties.

What are the famous pioneer trails in the 1800s?

The Oregon Trail. Santa Fe Trail, Mormon Pioneer Trail, California Trail

Why did the Oregon and the Mormon trails overlapped?

Because the Mormons used the Oregon trail as far as it went in the direction they wanted to go. The Oregon trail was a well-established trail that had plenty of good drinking water all along the way. From Nebraska to Wyoming, the Oregon trail was the best route. The Mormon trail turns south in Wyoming and enters Utah, while the Oregon trail continues on to Oregon.

What is the Mormon Trail for underground railroad?

The Underground Railroad was a way that slaves escaped to freedom. The Mormon Trail was a route the Mormons took to find religious freedom.

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What is the book called about a 1960 teen girl joins Mormons on Oregon trail falls in love with Mormon then both leave?

The Oregon Trail was not still in existence in 1960...

Which trail did Mormons travel on?

The Mormon Trail.

Where did the Mormons leave the Oregon trail?

The Mormon and Oregon trails split at what is called the Hastings Cutoff which began at Fort Bridger in southwestern Wyoming.

What trail wast traveled to escape because of economic depression the California the Mormon trail or the Oregon trail?

None. The Mormons did not travel west because of a economic depression.

Compare and contrast the Oregon trail Santa Fe trail and Mormon trail?

The early Mormons murdered innocent people. Look up Mountain Meadows massacre. The early Mormons were thought to be involved in masonry/satanism.

What did the Mormons travel on?

Mormon Trail to Utah

What major role did the Mormons play on the Oregon trail?

The Mormon Trail and the Oregon trail followed the same route through much of the Midwest, until the Mormon Trail split off into Utah through Wyoming. No doubt the two groups exchanged help and supplies. It's also likely that some Oregon Trail travelers may have taken a detour through Mormon settlements in Utah to rest, wait out winter weather, or gather supplies.

What route did the more Mormon follow to the west?

Most Mormons followed the Mormon Trail, which was roughly the same as the Oregon trail until the Mormon trail split off to Utah in Wyoming. Some Mormon pioneers took a boat around South America, docked in California, and travelled to Utah through Nevada.

How many Mormons were on the trail?

Approximately 70,000 Mormon Pioneers traveled the Mormon Trail between 1845 and 1869.

How did the Mormon Pioneer Trail get its name?

Seriously???? It was a trail, and Mormons traveled on it, and they were pioneers.

What was Mormon Trail name after?

The Mormons, the religious group that made and traveled the trail.

How did the Mormon trail get its name?

The Mormon Trail got its name because it was used by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) in the mid-1800s to travel from Illinois to their new settlement in Utah. The trail played a significant role in the migration of thousands of Mormon pioneers seeking religious freedom and a new home in the West.