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Q: Who was the Mexican leader who went to war with the US over territory of Texas?
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When did the political compromise work over slavery in the US?

Texas and Mexican territory became a part of the U.S.

Political compromise over slavery mostly worked in the US until?

texas and Mexican territory became a part of the United states

Political compromise over slavery largely worked in the US until?

Texas and Mexican territory became a part of the United States.

Was Texas a Mexican territory in 1825?

It was a State of Mexico. It claimed or declared its independence in 1836 after a victory at San Jacinto over Santa Anna and with the Treaty of Velasco which was not honored by Santa Anna or the Republic of Texas Government nor was it ratified by the Mexican Government.

Political compromise over slavery largely worked in the United States until what?

Texas and Mexican territory become part of the United States.(Apex) teehee.

What was the territory between Mexico and the united States?

The Nueces Strip. Ill-defined boundaries between Mexico and Texas after the Texas Revolution (1835-1835) resulted in skirmishes between Mexican and American troops over this no-man's-land; especially after Texas became part of the United States. These skirmishes resulted in the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

What leader invaded the us in the early 20th century?

Panchon Villa invaded the U.S. in the early 20th Century. Panchon Villa was a Mexican military leader. Panchon Villa was trying to take over what is now the state of Texas.

When did the Mexican flag fly over Texas?


In the Mexican American War did the US take over Texas?

Yes, it resulted in the Mexican Cession and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

What war was fought over the ownership of Texas?

The Mexican-American War

What years did the Mexican flag fly over Texas?

1821 - 1835.

What year was the Texas territory acquired?

The United States won the war and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. The treaty gave the U.S. lands that would become the states of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, southwestern Colorado, and southwestern Wyoming. Mexico received 15 million dollars and gave up its claims to Texas.