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The first person to sign the Declaration of Independence was John Hancock

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Q: Who was the First person to sign declaration of inderpendence?
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Who was the first person to sign the declaration?

john Hancock

What did John Hancock do to become known?

He was the first person to sign the declaration of inedpendence

First person to sign declaration of independenece?

John Hancock, was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence.

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John Hancock

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Thomas Jefferson

Who was the president of the second congress and the first person to sign the declaration of Independence?

John Hancock, for both.

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John Hancock

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What historical event took place the same time period in which George Washington lived?

the declaration of Independence. He was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence.

Who was the first person to sign the declaration and urged the delegates to stand together in mutual defense?

John Hancock

Who said you were the president of the second continental congress and the first person to sign the declaration of independence?

john hancock

What were the qualifications to sign the Declaration of Independence?

In order to sign the Declaration, a person had to be one of the delegates to the Second Continental Congress.