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Q: Who was the Cuban dictator following Cuban Revolution during world war 2?
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Related questions

How has the Cuban revolution affect the politicaland personal freedoms of the Cuban people?

An overthrow of dictator Batista

Who was Fidel Castroands how did he gain power?

Castro was the dictator of Cuba after the Cuban revolution and he maintained power for over 60 years.

What happend during the Cuban revolution and how did it effect Cuban-American relations?

Cubans became communists

Who was the president of America during the Cuban revolution?

The Cuban Revolution was between 1953 and 1959. The president of America throughout that period was Dwight D. Eisenhower,.

For what is Fidel Castro known for?

he is known as a Cuban dictator and is from cube and is born on august 13 1992

What is the Latin American nation where a 1959 communist revolution ousted a US-backed dictator?

In 1959, a Communist Revolt against CUBA's US-supported dictator, Batista, was successful and established the current Cuban Castro Regime.

Who lead the Cuban communist revolution?

That would be Fidel Castro.Castro led the revolution overthrowing Fulgencio Batista, whom opponents described as a dictator, in 1959. Shortly thereafter, Castro was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Cuba. Ironically it was Castro who would become the dictator of Cuba.

When did Cuban Revolution happen?

Cuban Revolution happened on 1953-07-26.

When did the Cuban Revolution end?

The Cuban Revolution ended on 1 January 1959.

Who was the good guy during the Cuban revolution Castro or Batista?

It can be said with a certain degree of neutrality, that in the Cuban revolution, there were only winners and losers. It was a complicated revolution. The results of the Castro regime can be debated by people of good and unbiased intentions.

What does fidel Castro like to do?

He was the dictator of Cuba. He was a very cruel dictator and he started the Cuban Missle Crisis.

What is a sentence with the word dictator?

As the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has full autocratic control over the country.