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Q: Who was the Athenian orator who called the king of ancient Macedonia a barbarian?
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What is the famous lion statue of ancient Macedonia called?

The Lion of Amphipolis.

What is the old name of the capital of Macedonia?

Ancient Aegae (Modern Vergina) was the first capital of Macedonia. It was subsequently moved to Pella. Under Roman occupation, the capital was moved to Thessaloniki. When Macedonia was liberated in 1912 from the Ottoman occupation Thessaloniki was retained as the capital.

Who warned the Greeks about the rise of Macedonia?

Demosthenes of Athens warned the Athenians not the other Greeks. He was protecting Athenian interests and their hegemony over Greece because Macedonia wanted to lead the Greeks. Demosthenes harbored a personal grudge against Philip because of the humiliation he suffered when he lost his power of speech at the Macedonian court (Aischines, On the Embassy 35), Demosthenes called Philip a barbarian but he would call anyone he did not like a barbarian to insult them, including fellow Athenians (Dem. 21.150) much like someone today being labelled as "un-American".

What were the unfree men of ancient Greece called?

Most likely "barbarian " since in Greek that means the "others".

What was the central marketplace of a Greek city called?

The ancient Athenian marketplace was called the Agora. I'm not quite sure what they called it in Sparta

Why is northern Greece called Macedonia?

Because Macedonia is in Greece and Macedonians have an unbroken historical record of identifying as Greeks, ethnically, linguistically and culturally since Macedonia's foundation by the Greeks of Argos in the Peloponnese.

Is Athens a city of Macedonia?

Although Macedonia was larger in Ancient times than it is now, Athens has never been within its borders. At the time, the part of Greece Athens is in was called Hellas.

Why did they split ancient Macedonia?

Macedonia was never split. Ancient Macedonia was a Greek kingdom on the northern Greek peninsula that is today free from foreign occupation, a province on the northern Greek peninsula. Under Roman occupation the name was applied to a larger administrative area and during Ottoman occupation the name disappeared altogether when it became the vilayet of Selnik (Thessaloniki). Today approx 4% lies outside of historical Macedonia in Greece, specifically the area called Pelagonia in ancient Macedonia (Bitola a calque of Monastiri the original Greek name).

Someone who Romans considered primitive and uncivilized was called a?

Barbarian. they called everyone a barbarian if they weren't roman.

What is Macedonia and Greece's geographic relationship?

The ancient land of Macedonia included part of what is now Greece (the region called Macedonia, including the city of Thessaloniki or Salonika), as well as the entire present-day Republic of Macedonia (capital: Skopje; formerly part of Yugoslavia), and parts of Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, and Kosovo.