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Q: Who was the 4 people who could of been king in 1066?
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Who were the 3 people who wanted to be king in 1066?

The three people that wanted to be king in 1066 after Edward the confessor died were:Harald HardraadaHarold GodwinessonAnd me MWAHAHAHAHA!!......... only joking!The third person was William the conqueror!

What type of people can work for the king in 1066?

The squire. A chef. A whole bunch of people

1066 was a year of crisis why?

Because when edward the confessor died, lots of different people claimed he said they could be king after him, so there were many war's and fights about who sould be king of england.

Who was the king of France during 1066?

how was king in 1066~ King Philip the first of France how old was he was it king Charles~ King Charles was the English king at the English king at the time.

Why were there 3 people who all thought that they deserved to be king in 1066?

i think it was because of the battles

When did William the Conqueror become king?

in 1066 when he won the battle of hastings

How did William Duke of Normandy convince the people he should be king?

By successfully invading England in 1066.

Who was king in beginning of 1066?

King Harold I think

The king at the start of 1066?

King Edward the confessor

When did William of Normandy in 1066 become King of England?

25 December 1066.

When did Harold the king in 1066 die?

At the battle of Hastings- on 14th October 1066

Where did William the conqueror defeat the British king in 1066?

At the battle of Hasting in 1066