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Eugenics programs often target racial minorities and people with disabilities. The idea behind this is to remove these people from the gene pool.

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Q: Who was targeted for Eugenics?
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Why were Russians targeted by the Nazi's?

According to the Nazi theories on eugenics the Slavs were a lower race.

What is the principal of eugenics?

the principal of eugenics are racism and abortion..

Is social Darwinism and eugenics similar?

Social Darwinism and eugenics share some similarities in that both ideologies were based on the belief of improving human populations through interventions such as selective breeding. However, social Darwinism focused more on societal organization and natural selection, while eugenics specifically targeted genetics and selective reproduction to achieve desired outcomes. Both ideas have been widely discredited due to their association with harmful practices and discrimination.

Who developed a theory of eugenics in the late nineteenth century?

Francis Galton developed the theory of Eugenics

What are types of eugenics?

There are two types: positive and negative. Positive eugenics involves advantaging people who have superior genes. Negative eugenics involves sterilizing people who have inferior genes.

What are the type of eugenics?

There are two types: positive and negative. Positive eugenics involves advantaging people who have superior genes. Negative eugenics involves sterilizing people who have inferior genes.

When is eugenics consider morally?


What do you mean by eugenics and euphenics?

eugenics is a term referring to the science of improving the racial question of humanity through selective breeding of superior types.

How did Sheldon Reed identify counseling in oppose to eugenics?

I am Sheldon Reed that answered this question, I identified geneitc counsleing in oppose to eugenics by joiajdlahedue

What has the author William Ernst Castle written?

William Ernst Castle has written: 'Genetics and eugenics' -- subject(s): Eugenics, Genetics, Hybridization

What has the author Max Reichler written?

Max Reichler has written: 'Jewish eugenics' -- subject(s): Eugenics, Criminals, Jews, Capital punishment

What are the cause and effects of eugenics?

i have no idea lol