Hulegu, one of the grandsons of Chinggis Khan (P.S. khanates were the four portions of the Mongol empire)
Astrakhan Khanate ended in 1556.
Khanate of Khiva ended in 1920.
Chagatai Khanate ended in 1687.
His grandson khublai khan took the great khanate in china Khublai's brother hulegu took the ilkhanate in Persia Batu led the golden horde khanate in Russia The khanate of chaghatai remained in central Asia
Muhammad Khan - Ilkhan - died in 1338.
Tamerlane ruler of a Mongol Khanate based in Somarkand.
golden horde khanate
The Khanate of the Great Khan
Astrakhan Khanate ended in 1556.
Khanate of Khiva ended in 1920.
Chagatai Khanate ended in 1687.
Shirvan Khanate ended in 1805.
Ganja khanate ended in 1805.
Ganja khanate was created in 1747.
Crimean Khanate ended in 1783.
Crimean Khanate was created in 1441.