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The pharaoh was the leader and ruler of the country.

The chief priest was the spiritual guide of the country, but still was beneath the pharaoh on spiritual matters, because the pharaoh was a god-on-earth.

Financially, the pharaoh was in charge, and he employed men that we now call viziers to mind areas of the country and ensure that taxes were collected.

The pharaoh was in charge of the army, and usually went with it on campaigns.

The pharaoh was also responsible for providing an heir to the throne of Egypt, so that, after he died, things would go smoothly and his legacy would continue. When the pharaoh failed to fulfill this duty, the country went into turmoil.

Also, as a god on earth, the pharaoh was responsible for the crops. If there was a bad harvest, the pharaoh was seen to have angered the gods, and was responsible for ensuring that there was enough food and that the wheat prices stayed down.

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