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It was Julian the Apostate who tried to revive the worship of the old Roman gods and bring the empire back to the original Roman values.

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Q: Who was required to worship the roman emperor as god?
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Many Christians refused to burn in front of the statue of the Emperor?

To prove that they were loyal Romans, everyone in the empire had to burn incense to Caesar and declare that "Caesar is Lord" once a year. It wasn't the incense as nearly as much as the declaration, because for the Christian there is one and only one Lord, Jesus Christ.

How did Christianity contradict to roman civilization?

Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god and would not participate in the pagan state religions. Also Christians were critical of Roman entertainments such as orgies and violent forms of entertainment. Christians predicted (and perhaps caused) the fall of the Roman empire.

What religon did the Jews have to convert to by law of the Romans?

None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.

What are some of the issues that divided pagan Romans and Christian Romans during the Roman Empire?

Pagan Romans believed that there were many gods, and wanted the Christians to worship or at least recognize Roman gods in their worship as well as the Christian God. The Christians wouldn't do this, because it went against their religion to worship more than one god. The pagans also wanted the Christians to do ritualistic sacrifices to their gods, which the Christians also refused to do, as well as worship the Roman emperor. Not worshipping the Roman gods, not sacrificing to the gods, and not worshipping the emperor were all crimes of law in Rome, and so many Christians were killed for not doing these things. Christians were also accused of cannibalism (this is my body, eat this is remembrance of me...), and not contributing to society/laziness.

How did the Romans feel about Christianity?

The Roman leaders did not like it at all. They believed that one day, there would be a rebellion against Rome because many of the Roman citizens came to worship Christianity more than their country. Because of that, they thought that the Christian Romans would no longer feel like the Roman emperor was the utmost powerful one, but God was.

Related questions

Why wouldn't christians worship the Roman Emperor?

The roman emperor is not a god...

Many Christians refused to burn in front of the statue of the Emperor?

To prove that they were loyal Romans, everyone in the empire had to burn incense to Caesar and declare that "Caesar is Lord" once a year. It wasn't the incense as nearly as much as the declaration, because for the Christian there is one and only one Lord, Jesus Christ.

Who is Nero the Roman god?

Nero was not a Roman god, he was an insane Roman emperor.

Why did Augustus refuse emperor worship?

The worship of a living person was considered un-Roman by the ancients. It was an eastern custom, but not a custom of the west. Augustus was merely following Roman tradition, just as Julius Caesar refused to be worshiped in Rome, although he wasworshiped as a god in the east.

How did Neptune the roman god worship?

There are no gods you spoons

How did Christianity contradict to roman civilization?

Christians refused to worship the emperor as a god and would not participate in the pagan state religions. Also Christians were critical of Roman entertainments such as orgies and violent forms of entertainment. Christians predicted (and perhaps caused) the fall of the Roman empire.

Why did Christians refuse to worship the Emperor as their god?

AnswerAfter the death of a respected emperor, he was usually consecrated as a devus among the gods. A devus was a god who had once been human. rather than a true god ( deus). Nevertheless, it was seen as a mark of atheism not to worship the departed emperors.Christians, in common with the Jews, were monotheistic and thus refused to worship the departed emperors, who they said could not be gods and were therefore unworthy of worship. While Jews were always granted an exemption from this worship, out of respect for their faith, Christians were at least nominally required to worship departed emperors. some were prepared to suffer martyrdom rather than do so.

What religon did the Jews have to convert to by law of the Romans?

None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.None. The Romans never made the Jews or anyone else convert to a specific religion. The Romans did demand that foreigners sacrifice to/for the emperor and empire but in the case of the Jews they did not make them worship the Roman gods, they just had to pray to their god for the benefit of the empire. The Romans did, however, ban the Jews from entering Jerusalem after the revolt under the emperor Hadrian.

What are some of the issues that divided pagan Romans and Christian Romans during the Roman Empire?

Pagan Romans believed that there were many gods, and wanted the Christians to worship or at least recognize Roman gods in their worship as well as the Christian God. The Christians wouldn't do this, because it went against their religion to worship more than one god. The pagans also wanted the Christians to do ritualistic sacrifices to their gods, which the Christians also refused to do, as well as worship the Roman emperor. Not worshipping the Roman gods, not sacrificing to the gods, and not worshipping the emperor were all crimes of law in Rome, and so many Christians were killed for not doing these things. Christians were also accused of cannibalism (this is my body, eat this is remembrance of me...), and not contributing to society/laziness.

Do the Roman Catholics worship the sun?

Roman Catholic AnswerNo, they worship the son of God.

Which Roman Emperor makes his soldiers attack the sea when he was angry with the god of the sea?

emperor Caligula

What do Roman Catholics need to worship?

No material items are needed for a Roman Catholic to pray at Mass. The use of Rosary Beads during Mass is to be discouraged. A heart, open to hearing the Word of God, is all that is needed for worship. There are several devices that are used at some devotions but nothing is required.