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Q: Who was reelected president in 1872?
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When was Ulysses S. Grant reelected for his second term in office?

Grant was elected a second time in November of 1872.

What president was reelected for the 2nd term during the era of good feelings?

James Monroe is the "Era of good feeling " president and he was reelected in1820.

How many terms is president in office for until reelected?

Presidents serve one term before they must be reelected.

Was Abraham Lincoln the first president to to be reelected as president two other times?


When did Nixon became president?

1968 and reelected 1972

Why was Ulysses grant reelected in 1872?

In the south most of the new black voters were Republicans and the many of the whites were not yet allowed to vote. In the North, the Democratic party which had split when the Civil War broke, was still not fully organized, so the Republicans had a great advantage. U.S. Grant was a national hero and tremendously popular for winning the long costly war.

Who was reelected by the greatest number of electoral votes in history?

George Washington received 100% of the electoral votes and was unanimously reelected President in 1792. In the 1984 election Ronal Regan received 525 (97.58%) of the 538 electoral votes and was reelected President.

Did Davis become president in 1924?

No. The U.S. President reelected that year was Calvin Coolidge.

Why was George Washington reelected as president?

because people LOVED him

Who was the First and only president reelected after being voted out?

Grover Cleavland

President Lincoln was reelected because?

General Sherman Captured Atlanta.

Who was the Lincoln's vice president when was he reelected for the second term?

Andrew Johnson.