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Oliver H. Kelly

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Q: Who was one of the main founders of the Granger Movement?
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People was one of the main founders of the Granger Movement?

Oliver H. Kelley

Which of these people was one of the main founders of the grander movement?

Jacob Riis

Which character in Harry Potter has the surname Granger?

Hermione Granger, one of Harry Potter's best friends and a main character throughout the series.

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He was one of the founders of the Impressionist movement in France.

What Did Robert Owen Invent?

Nothing, was only one of the founders of socialism and the cooperative movement

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Andy Warhol can be said to be one of the founders of the Movement Pop Art.

What was the name of person who invent co-education?

Educator Horace Mann ( of public schools fame) and The founders of Oberlin College were among the founders here. It is too big a movement for a one man or one woman show!

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Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, and is considered one of the founders of the modern environmental movement.

Does Hermione Granger have a big supply of potions?

Hermione Granger, one of the main characters in the blockbuster movies of Harry Potter, has as much potions as the other students of Hogwarts. She buys what there is on the supply list that she gets from Hogwarts.

What was Samuel gompers position in the labor union?

Gompers was one of the pioneers of the American labor movement and was one of the founders of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)

What is the girl in Harry Potter called?

actually... there is more than one girl in the harry potter series but the 2 main one are Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley.

Is Hermine Granger a protagonist?

Yes, Hermione Granger is one of the main protagonists in the Harry Potter series. She is known for her intelligence, loyalty, and bravery, and plays a crucial role in the story alongside Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.