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FAQ Farmers have identified these

  • My grandfather was on board the the Carpathia. His name was Arthur Vale and he was a stoker.
  • My grandmother, Anna Oberg, immigrated to the US from Sweden and was on the Carpathia when it picked up the Titanic survivors in 1912. However, I cannot find any historical documentation showing the names of passengers originally on the Carpathia on that trip as opposed to the manifests created later to document the Titanic survivors.
  • I've done a family geneology on my mother's side linking her as a descendant of the Johann Sebastian Bach family, which also married into the second generation of the Ringling family. On my father's side, I've been told my great-uncle was a Titanic Survivor. My investigation finds that unfounded, but it is likely to be partially true. So I too would like to find a list of Carpathian passengers on its fateful voyage rescuing Titanic survivors. It could also be that another uncle was aboard the Carpathia when it was sunk, and survived (the Carpathia was herself sunk in 1918 towards the end of WW1 in shallow water off the West Coast of Ireland, as part of a coal convoy heading to the USA as part of the war effort. Her wreck is shallow enough for divers to have explored it).
  • I have been searching for the passenger list of the Carpathia when it picked up some of the survivors of the Titanic. My father-in-law, Gregori Switenki was one of the Carpathia passengers. We do not know if he disembarked at Halifax or New York.

my grandfather was on the carpathia when it picked up the survivers of the titanic his name was Joseph ross colquhoun from Scotland he was an episcapalian minister, i found some of his writings talking about the titanic a few years ago and i am looking for the list of people who were on the carpathia when it picked the survivers of the titanic .

The captain of the Carpathia was Captain Rostron, who had only been promoted to the rank of Captain for a few months before the tragedy.

It should be mentioned that the characters of Rose and Jack in the 1997 film 'Titanic' were entirely fictional- they didn't exist in real life.

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Q: Who was onboard the Carpathia when it went to the aid of the sinking Titanic?
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What happened to edward John Smith?

He went down with the titanic He went down with the titanic

What happend to the three classes while the titanic was sinking?

The titanic is a tragedy known around the world. The titanic hit an ice berg on April 14 1912 at 11:40 the titanic sunk and left 1,517 people dead. The ship was from England to new York city. There were 2,227 people aboard the titanic and almost half were dead. Most of the men died due to the women and children first protocol that was followed. The titanic was built with some of the most advanced technology available at the time. At that time the titanic was called the unsinkable titanic little did they know that nickname wouldn't last for long. The titanic was launched may 31st 1911.first class tickets were 63,204$.when the titanic sank they got to go first cause to the people they paid the most. The features on the titanic were 1st class had a swimming pool, gym and a electric bath.710 people were saved that night. Many people were left behind due to the lack of life boats. When the boat crashed it started to flood and then after all that is started to sink so everyone went to the top and then the boat split in half and sunk. The ship carried life boats for only 1,178 people. Nearby there was a ship when the disaster was happening called the Californian, but when the saw the fireworks they didn't know it was sinking so they went on. When the titanic was sinking the band was still playing , but captain ordered that they play happy cheerful music he didn't want everyone to know that the unsinkable titanic was sinking. For some reason after the titanic sunk millions of shooting stars in the sky. After the morning of the sunk titanic the people that survived were put on another boat called the Carpathian.

When did the Titanic go to Southampton?

The Titanic went to Southampton in 1912, the same year that the Titanic was actually built.

Did the captain die on the Titanic?

Yes.The captain (Edward John Smith) died along with his ship.

How many immigrants went on the Titanic?

Ialready answered this question

Related questions

When did the the people got rescue that survived from the titanic?

The 712 people that survived the sinking of Titanic were rescued by Carpathia. She arrived near the wrecksite at about 4:00 in the morning and her operation went till 8:10 when the last survivor boarded.

What happened to the Carpathia after Titanic?

The Carpathia was struck by a torpedo, 115 miles off the coast of Ireland. The famous ship that saved many Titanic's survivors, finally went to rest at the bottom of the sea. Rest In Peace Carpathia

Where did the people go after the Titanic sunk?

The Carpathia took them to New York, which was to have been their destination aboard the Titanic, and from there they went their separate ways.

The name of the first ship to reach the place where the titanic went down and collect survivors?

the Carpathia.

Where the people on the Titanic went when it sank?

700+ of them made it to lifeboats and were picked up by the liner, Carpathia. 1500+ of them went to the bottom of the ocean.

Did Captain John Edward Smith die when the Titanic sank?

Yes he did he went down in the sinking of the titanic

How many Titanic survivors did the RMS Carpathia rescue?

Based on the 1997 movie (which was partially fictional), there were 13 people who survived and went to The Carpathia, but reality states that 710 out of 2,224 people survived. That is only 32% of all the passengers who were aboard. The second class had the most people that survived.

How did people escape from the titanic while it was sinking?

Rich people got in the lifeboats first. There weren't enough time so some people jumped out the Titanic. Others held on for their lives hoping they would live, or land in the cold water instead of landing on part of the boat which would kill them.

Could haved the people in the Titanic have been rescued?

Probably, yes. An unknown ship (rumoured to be the Californian) was spotted in the distance as the Titanic was sinking. It could have saved many if not all lives if it had went to the sinking Titanic.

What were the two ships by the titanic?

Actually, there were three that responded with haste: the Carpathia, the Baltic and, the Olympic. Although all moved under full steam (top speed), at great danger to the ships, their passengers and crew, none were able to make it to the scene of the sinking before she went down.

What happened to the survivors on the Titanic how did they get home?

Most of them went on the Carpathia ship, and got home that way... most of them took the life bota to land

Did the megalodon take down the Titanic?

The megalodon went extinct (the exact timeperiod is still in discussion today), but it was far enough back that it did not cause the sinking of the Titanic.