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Loyalist.... or as they called them 'Tories'

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Q: Who was loyal to the british empire?
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Who didnt like the Decleration of Independence and why?

The British and those loyal to the Empire.

Who were the Loyalists loyal to?

To many parts of the British Empire including what is today Southern Ontario.

What was a loyalist party in the revolutionary war?

A 'Loyalist' , also known as 'Royalist' was somebody who remained true to the British Crown and Empire. The Loyalist Party was what they belonged to/

Loyal she began loyal she remains?

"Loyal She Began, Loyal She Remains" is the official motto of the province of Ontario, Canada Canada is a former British empire Colony in what is now know as the "Commonwealth of nations" the phrase basically means, loyal to Britain when she, being Ontario, was founded, and is still loyal to this day. Correction: The phrase means loyal to the monarch; then the king of England now the queen of Canada!

Why was the colony named Jamestown?

The colony of Jamestown was so named after James I of England, their king. These settlers were very loyal, and this is said to be the beginning of the British Empire.

What is Britain empire called?

It was known as the British Empire. When the empire started to fall apart, the British Commonwealth/Commonwealth of Nations was created.

Who is queen of the British Empire?

The British Empire does not exist anymore.

During colonial times were the british soldiers loyalists?

They didn't need to be, a loyalist normally was a colonist who was loyal to the British. The British were already British so they were already loyal to King George, unless there were some that weren't.

Where did the british empire control an entire continent?

north America The British Empire controlled an entire continent in Australia. The British Empire was the largest empire in history.

How did the British colonists during the European wars of the 1700?

They were loyal British citizens.

How did the British empire lose land?

Why did The British Empire lose their land?

How was the British empire defeated by India?

They weren't, the British empire attacked India and the British won.