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Q: Who was led in the Mexican army in the battle?
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Who led the first battle of the Mexican American War?

Captain Seth Thornton, US Army. Colonel Anastasio Torrejon, Mexican Army.

Who was the General who led the Mexican army at the battle of 5 of May?

Ignacio Zaragoza commanded at the Battle of Puebla.

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Jose Urrea

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The bulk of the Mexican army led by Santa Anna.

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Saint Joan of Arc led the French army into battle.

What battle did Mexican troops defeat rebel army and about 400 Texans surrender?

After the Battle of Goliad, about 400 rebel Texans surrendered to the Mexican army.

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Gen. Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army in the Battle of Spotsylvania.

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Pancho Villa put together an army of cowboys and ruffians, and led them, for Abraham Gonzalez

The Battle of the Alamo was a victory for the forces of?

The Mexican Army.

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The invading army at the Battle of Hastings was the Norman army. It was led by the winner of the battle, William the Conqueror.

What battle resulted in the execution of Texan prisoners by the Mexican army?

Battle of the Alamo

What was the battle between the Mexican army and the French army called on Cinco de Mayo?

It was called The Battle Of Puebla.