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Peter's mother, Auguste van Pels was somewhat jealous of Anne and Peter's close relationship.

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Q: Who was jealous of Anne Frank's meetings with Peter?
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What is Anne Franks's middle name?

Anne Franks full name is: Annelies Marie Fran.

What was Anne Franks challenges?

one of Anne franks challenges was being in the secret annex for 2 years

What happened in 1940 that changed the live of Anne Franks family?

Anne franks family went in to hiding

Who is Anne Franks's dad?

The name of Anne Franks dad is Otto Frank.

Why are the families upset about Peter and Anne's relationship?

As far as the van Pels, Mr.van Pels seemed indifferent about it, but Mrs. van Pels was jealous of Peter giving all his attention to Anne. As far as the Franks, both were concerned the relationship might get too intense in the close quarters of the annex, especially Otto Frank. As it turned out, Anne decided she did not want the relationship to get any more intense, as being so close to Peter, she became increasingly aware of aspects of his character that she was disappointed in, let alone Peter becoming emotionally needy of her, which she flatly refused to deal with. They stayed friends but the relationship cooled off by itself.

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Who was jealous of Anne's meeting with peter and why?

Margot was jealous of Anne's meeting with Peter because she also had feelings for Peter herself. Margot felt overlooked and overshadowed by Anne, causing her to feel envious of their connection.

What were the names of the Jews that were hiding in Anne Franks attic?

Peter, margot, anne frank, mum, dad

What happend to Anne Franks mother?

She was killed. Only Anne Franks father survived but has died of old age. He once appeared on Blue Peter!

Anne Franks goals?

Anne franks goals were to be an author or a famous journalist

What is Anne Franks's middle name?

Anne Franks full name is: Annelies Marie Fran.

Where is Anne Frank's statue?

Anne Franks memorial statue stands at westerkerk plaza in Amsterdam near Anne franks house

What was Anne Franks challenges?

one of Anne franks challenges was being in the secret annex for 2 years

What happened in 1940 that changed the live of Anne Franks family?

Anne franks family went in to hiding

Who is Anne Franks's dad?

The name of Anne Franks dad is Otto Frank.

Who is jealous about how much time Anne and Peter are spending together in his room?

The black market dealer for ration books was arrested. Who is jealous about how much time Anne and Peter are spending together in his room? What amazing news does Miep bring to the Annex? Miep told the residents that the invasion, D-day, had begun.

Did Anne Franks mom survive the war?

No, unfortunatly not but Anne franks dad, Otto, did he published annes diary.