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Seqenonre, Kamose and Ahmose.

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Q: Who was it who defeated invaders from Southwest Asia marked the beginning of Egypt's New Kingdom?
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Who is defeat of invaders from southwest Asia marked the beginning of Egypt's new kindom?

middle kingdom

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The Assyrians and Babylonians defeated and overtook the Egyptian civilization.

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Kush had defeated the most powerful empire in the world. The kingdom of kush survived for more than 400 years and then in the year 350 B.C.E., Kush fell to invaders from the African Country of Ethiopia

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Southwest of Sweeden and North of Germany.

Which group invaded the Germanic kingdoms of Europe in the early 700s?

The Muslims Muslim is a vague term. More specifically the invaders of the Visigoth kingdom in Spain were the Moors (Moroccan Berbers) who fought on behalf of the Umayyad Caliphate. The Moors under the Emir of Cordoba attacked Aquitaine (southwest France) which was Part of the Frankish kingdom, but were defeated and pushed back by Charles Martel. This emirate was independent. By then the Umayyad Caliphate had fallen. The Abbasid Caliphate took over, but did not reach Algeria, Morocco and Spain. Al-Andalus (Moorish Spain) quickly developed a separate identity.

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The Egyptians!

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This is the beginning of the New Kingdom