

Who was in the middle class?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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10y ago

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Back in the day like 1700's there were three classes of socierty, gentry being the highest middle class in the middle (obviously) and indentured servants. Their were also African American slaves but they didn't count to their owners. To answer your question that was first mine middle class people consisted of farmers (working on their own land), craft workers, blacksmith's and some tradespeople.

I hope this answers your question if it dosen't well then I'm sorry go ask someone else.

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12y ago

That depends on who you ask. It's a term without a real definition. In some people's mind it is an economic level of society; in some people's mind it a social class; often it's combined as a socioeconomic level or class. In most westernized countries, middle class is just about everyone who is not super rich. Only people poor enough who have no choice and those who have dropped significantly in income who find their economic power curtailed (I've heard people with more income and property than me say that they're 'poor', but they are really just poorer than they were) actually call themselves poor. Even very poor people who have some education, good social skills, dress nicely, or have an interest in higher arts consider themselves middle class. So, unless you have specifics to quantify class, such as income or educational level, the middle class will be in the mind of the beholder.

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10y ago

Middle class are people that aren't extremely rich or poor. They are the 'middle class' who are able to pay and manage bills, food and housing.

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