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Every Nazi ghetto for Jews had a "Jewish council" ("Judenrat"). These were responsible for the day-to-day running of the ghettos and were appointed by Nazis. One of the initial attractions of this was that the Jewish council was in charge of policing the ghetto, which was preferable to being policed by the SS. However, the Jewish council was also in charge of food distribution, which sometimes led to violence ... Later, the Jewish councils were ordered to supply the Nazis with lists of people for deportation ... A few Jewish councils were very brave (Lemberg, for example), some found themselves collaborating, and most were somewhere in between these two extremes.

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Q: Who was in control of the ghettos?
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How was the Nazi ghettos governed?

The Nazi ghettos were strongly governed by military forces and curfews were established to keep everyone in place. This was enforced by the generals for specific control reasons.

How did they control the ghettos?

They made the Jews within the ghetto elect their own council to administrate the ghetto.

What was the outcome of the Holocaust for kids?

the same as it was for adults, it was stopped when the Germans lost control of the camps and ghettos.

What are open ghettos?

ghettos that are not closed, they were ghettos that did not restrict access, to either Jew or gentile.

Types of holocaust ghettos?

open and closed ghettos.

What happe ed in the Polish ghettos?

in world war 2, after Germany invaded pland in 1939, more than two million polish Jews came under German control, and were eventuly forced in to what the Germans called "ghettos"or"Jewish residential quarters."The Germans created more than 400 ghettos in occupied territories. But the biggest ghettos was in Warsaw, the polish capital, where almost half a million Jews were confied, and killed.

What type of security was there in Ghettos?

Nazis guarded the gates of the ghettos.

Why was Hitler upset with the ghettos?

he did not care enough about ghettos for them to upset him.

What were three types of ghettos?

Closed , Open , and Destruction Ghettos

Who were forced in to the ghettos?

Indeed. Jews were in ghettos.

Why did Hitler support the ghettos of the Holocaust?

The support that the Nazis gave to the ghettos was quickly withdrawn and the ghettos were forced to become profitable.

How Jews coped in the ghettos?

They try to live day by day They coped in the ghettos by being determand and trying to survive the ghettos.