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The Confederate Secretary of the Navy was Stephen Mallory, of Florida. He had been a US Senator for a long time before the war and was a long time member of the Naval Affairs Committee of the US Senate. Because nobody else in the Confederate government was too interested in the Navy, Mallory had a free hand. He was a great innovator, and much of the success and the bold innovations adopted by the Confederate Navy were attributable to him. Confederate law initially did not provide for any officer of higher rank than naval captain, through eventually four admirals were authorized by law. None of these served as overall naval commander, that function in most respects being exercised by Mallory. Officers of both the "old army" and the "old (US) navy" had been promised the same rank they held if they resigned at the start of the war. This left Mallory contending with a large number of senior officers too old to go to sea. Mallory fought for and obtained from the Confederate congress legislation providing for promotion based on merit. One of the officers who became a Confederate Rear Admiral was Raphael Semmes, who had earned a worldwide reputation commanding the CSS Alabama. Late in the war Semmes simultaneously held a commission as a brigadier general in the army, the only American to ever hold flag rank in both services. James D. Bulloch was the Confederate Navy's purchasing agent in Europe, where he oversaw the acquisition and outfitting of the several fast commerce raiders which caused such havoc (CSS Alabama, CSS Florida, CSS Shenandoah). Bulloch was the uncle of Theodore Roosevelt, and the great-uncle of Eleanor Roosevelt.

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Q: Who was in charge of the Confederate Navy?
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Who was the head of the Confederate Navy?

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Commander of the Confederate Army was Robert E. Lee.Secretary of the Confederate Navy was Stephen Mallory.

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Riverine warfare; control of the rivers (like the Mississippi River).

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less than 3,000 personnel

Who was the us senator and secretary of the confederate navy?

Stephen Mallory

What kind of military force did the Confederation government have?

The Confederate States of America (the Confederacy) fielded both an army and a Navy. Their navy (CSN) was formed by the Confederate government on 21 Feb 1861, with the army (CSA) following in 28 Feb 1861. Stephan R Mallory was their Sect of the Navy, while Confederate President Jefferson Davis functioned as the Sect of the Army until he turned over command to Gen Robert E. Lee.