

Who was in charge of Treblinka?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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12y ago

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The Commandant for much of the time that the Treblinka extermination camp was in operation was Franz Stangl, who managed to flee to Brazil. He was ultimately extradited to West Germany in 1967, tried and convicted of mass murder. He was sentenced to life imprisonment but died in prison in 1971.

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Treblinka extermination camp ended in 1943.

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Treblinka extermination camp was created in 1942.

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Treblinka was a Nazi death camp on the northern part of Poland during the Holocaust.

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The Camp Commando of Treblinka Extermination Camp was Kurt Hubert Franz (He was the 3rd and last commando of Treblinka.

Where is Treblinka?

Treblinka II was the main extermination camp after Auschwitz II (Birkenau). An estimated 850,000 Jews were slaughtered there and only about 40-45 survived.

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An estimated 850,000+ were Holocaust victims at Treblinka. It had the highest death toll after Auschwitz.

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Initially, Treblinka was built to kill the Jews in the Warsaw and Bialystock ghettos.

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What or who destroyed Treblinka?

The SS destroyed Treblinka, grassed it over and even built a small farmhouse in an attempt to cover up what had happened there.

What was the popular way to die at Treblinka?

The most common way people died in Treblinka was by Gassing but not by Zyklon B but instead by Carbon Monoxide.