

Who was in Israel first?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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13y ago

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In Modern Times, Jews never had a country and lived scattered in all countries ruled by other religions. They wanted to have a country of their own. They always had power and great pressuring lobbies in great countries. So at the time Britain was colonizing Palestine, and due to the great pressure by Jews, Britain gave permission and promise for Jews in 1917 to build their own country in Palestine, which was already inhabited by Arabs (Palestinians) but who were colonized and very week.

Jews started to migrate in tens and hundreds to Palestine, buying lands and houses, making gang wars on people if they refuse to leave their houses or lands, killing stealing & invading. Until they became powerful enough to demand their existence and to be declared a country by the UN in 1948.

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12y ago
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12y ago

This question and the answer to it does not add any useful information and in fact does not resolve an problem. Jews lived in the land of Palestine for hundred of years along with their neighbors Muslims and Christians. The trouble started when the Jews in Palestine declared their own country exclusively for them and forced nonjews into exile.

actually Israel was given the land by the British in 1917 under the Sykes-picot accord since no other claimants could be found for that land since King David in 1003 the Jews made improvements on the land the economy improved and Egyptians moved in what is now Israel/Palistine looking for work.mean while the Egyptian economy was failing (due to WW II?) and Egyptian government would not allow the former Egyptians citizens back into their own basically the Egyptian nationals in Israel were in exile by their own country and then demonized Israel for it...instant conflick...not unlike the Mexican nationals in the US are trying to do there

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11y ago

Palestine was never a country. It became a British mandate (basically a territory, although the British assured they were helping the government) following World War I. But following World War II, the land was given to the new country of Israel, created as a safe haven for Jews.

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13y ago

History shows that the Canaanite people occupied what is now Israel for thousands of years, much of this time under Egyptian rule. Thus the Canaanites were there 'first', although there were various hunter-gatherer communities in the area long before this time.

The Hebrew people came after but not, as generally assumed, by invasion or peaceful migration. H. G. M. Williamson says that such recent writers as Lemche, Thompson, Coote and Whitelam agree that 'lsrael' emerged peacefully within the land as an inevitable consequence of the economic and social decline of late bronze age Canaan coinciding with the development of new agricultural techniques which enabled increasing numbers to withdraw from the city states, located principally in the valleys, and to start settling in the hitherto sparsely populated hill country of Judah and Israel. Thus, if we think of Judah as inland enclaves, the Israelite people have a claim to being there first, because they too were Canaanites. The 'gentile' Canaanites continued to occupy the rich coastal plains, the valleys and foothills, even after successive conquests, and are potentially the ancestors of today's Palestinians.

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10y ago

As concerns Declarations of Independence, Israel Declared itself a State in 1948 and Palestine only did so in 1988 (in exile) and 1993 (in situ). Therefore, Israel came first.

As concerns inhabitants, Jews lived as minority in the area that would eventually be known as the British Mandate of Palestine throughout most of the past 2000 years. Palestinians as an ethnic group did not really develop until around the 1200s C.E. and were a result of the Arabization of the Native Populations and the immigrations from Arabia. These Palestinians were a majority in the territory for nearly 750 years, but never had self-rule. When Jews returned en masse to the land in the early 20th Century, the Jews became a strong constituent part of region.

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