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Q: Who was harmed the most when pioneers moved to Indiana?
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Where did pioneers settled?

most settled out in the open

What were the two things most pioneers were looking for as they headed west?

Gold Some others moved there for land from the HomeStead act

How was the Mormons view of westward movement different from that of other pioneers?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) moved west in search of religious freedom, while most other pioneers moved west in search of wealth or job opportunities.

What statement illustrates the most important reason pioneers moved west in the post-Civil War era?

seeking better economic life

Who are the most likely to be harmed by?

By the entourage they have

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By the entourage they have

Who are children most likely to be harmed by?

By the entourage they have

What state did Michael Jackson grow up in?

Michael grew up in Gary, Indiana and later moved to Los Angels, California where he spent most of this life and died.

How old were the pioneers?

Most were young with families.

What did the pioneers travel in?

Most of them traveled in wagons.

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What did pioneers travel in?

Most of them traveled in wagons.