George Clinton was elected as the 4th US Vice President. He was the running mate of re-elected President Thomas Jefferson, replacing incumbent Vice President Aaron Burr, who suffered politically after killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
*This was the first US Presidential election where the President and Vice President were elected in separate ballots, pursuant to the 12th Amendment (June 15, 1804).
John Adams became the first Vice President in 1789.
The US Presidential election in 1788 actually carried over until January 10, 1789. The new US Constitution had been ratified on September 17, 1787, but electors were only appointed for 10 states. George Washington was the overwhelming favorite for President, with each of the 69 electors casting one vote for him. Under the original plan of the Constitution, each elector cast two votes, and the candidate with the second largest number of electoral votes became Vice President. John Adams received only 34 of these votes.
Gerald Ford is the US President elected neither to the office of President or Vice-President.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected with different vice presidents.
As a rule the Vice-president is elected by the same electors that elect the president. However, if a vacancy occurs in the office of vice-president. The president nominates a replacement who must be confirmed by both houses of Congress in order to take office.
vice president
The vice president is elected with the president
The vice president is selected by the canidates and if they win the vice president they chose becomes vice president.
John Adams was the 1st vice president elected.
Thomas A. Hendricks, Democrat from Indiana, was elected vice-president in 1884.
He is elected in conjunction with the person running as president .
Adams was elected in 1787 to be the first US vice president.
vice president
The President & Vice-President are elected by the ballots cast by citizens called electors.
Bill is not eligible to be elected vice president .