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The free world won the cold war.

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Q: Who was considered the winner of the Cold War?
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What was considered a symbol of cold war?

The Berlin Wall was a symbol of the Cold War

Korean War was considered to be a cold war event because?

The Korean war was the first hot war in the cold war.

Why is the cold war considered a war?

Because their is two countries COMPETING on many things like arms race , lands , ships ...etc So, its like a war who will be the winner at the end and will stop competing and fail + both countries dislike each other.

Did we have a World war in 1991?

No, the Cold War is considered to have ended in 1991.

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Who is considered the victor of the Cold War?

Generally the West is considered the victor of the cold war. The arms race between the US and the USSR basically bankrupted the USSR and led to its downfall.

Why was the Berlin airlift considered the symbol of the cold war?

The Berlin Airlift was considered a symbol of the Cold War because it showed the fight and isolationism between the Soviet Union and US.

Was the Berlin wall considered a cold war symbol?


Stalemate cold war term?

No, stalemate is a chess term, meaning an end with no winner. As long as the Cold War lasted and both sides were still able to one-up each other, it was not a stalemate.

What country was not considered a winner in World War 1 because it had a revolution?

Russia because of the Russian Revolution.

Why when was he first created was James Bond considered a Cold Warrior?

Because 'The West' was involved in the Cold War.

What major 1962 event is considered the height of the cold war?
