Benjamin Franklin was a founding father. He was a writter, inventor, and political activist. He was also the only man to have his face on U.S. currency that was not a president.
inventor, politician, printer, doctor, founding father of a nation
the founding father is the Constitution the founding father is the Constitution
Benjamin franklin was an inventor, scientist, political leader, and a printer.
Benjamin Franklin was a founding father. He was a writter, inventor, and political activist. He was also the only man to have his face on U.S. currency that was not a president.
inventor, politician, printer, doctor, founding father of a nation
inventor, politician, printer, doctor, founding father of a nation
inventor, politician, printer, doctor, founding father of a nation
=Benjamin Franklin was a U.S. Founding Father, a writer, a publisher, an inventor and a scientist. As a scientist, he is most commonly recognized for his electricity experimenst. However, he was also a very accomplished physical oceanographer.=
Jefferson without a doubt.
Inventor & mad scientist
Thomas Edison was a great inventor of the late 19th, to early 20th century. He is not a founding father. Our founding fathers are considered as those who signed the Declaration of Independence, such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and James Madison, to name a few.
he was a philosopher, a printer, a scientist, and a representative.
the founding father is the Constitution the founding father is the Constitution
Thomas Jefferson was a founding father and the third president of the USA. He was also an accomplished scientist in addition to being the president.