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Q: Who was an American colonel and aide to washington who captured a key british fortress at Yorktown?
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What was a french fortress captured by new englanders?

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What large French fortress in Canada was besieged and captured by New Englanders in 1745?

The fortress of Louisbourg, located in Nova Scotia. It was later ceded back to France in a peace accord.

What is an American aircraft called a flying?

perhaps you mean the 'flying fortress' a B17 bomber

What American Bomber was known as the 'Flying Fortress' during World War 2?

Boeing B17

Why did the British want to capture louisbourg?

The British captured Louisburg so as to create a way for the Royal Navy to get to Quebec. As long as the Louisburg fortress existed, they could not use St. Lawrence river to attack Quebec.

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Bilbo kept from being captured by the Wood Elves in Mirkwood by using The Ring to turn himself invisible. He slipped in after the company of Elves that had captured the other members of The Company (namely, the twelve dwarves) as the Elves were escorting the dwarves into the Elven fortress.

How do you use the word fortress in a sentence?

"The soldiers defended the fortress as best they could." "The fortress was built to defend again attacks by Viking raiders." "His stoic demeanor was his fortress against the cruelty the world can inflict."

What means fortress in Tagalog language?

Fortress in Tagalog is "kalakalan."