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Menes is the name of an ancient Egyptian pharoah of the early dynastic period who founded Dynasty I and united Upper and Lower Egypt. He is typically identified as the pre-dynastic pharoah Narmer or the first dynasty pharoah Hor-Aha. Both Narmer and Hor-Aha are said to have united Egypt. According to English Egyptologist I.E.S. Edwards, Menes (which means "He who endures") could be "a mere descriptive epithet denoting a semi-legendary hero [...] whose name had been lost." This means that while Menes could have been a real pharoah, it's also possible, and likely, that it is the collective identity of several pre-dynastic pharoahs, including Narmer, as well as Hor-Aha.

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Q: Who was also known as menes he united upper and lower Egypt?
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Who united the upper and lower Egypt?

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AnswerThe pharaoh who put united the upper and lower kingdom was KING MENES

Who first united upper and lower Egypt?

Menes is the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt.

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When did king Menes unit upper and lower Egypt?

3100 b.C

Who was known as menes in ancient history?

Menes was an Egyptian pharaoh of the early dynastic period He united Upper and Lower Egypt, and was the founder of the first dynasty,

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Menes also known as Namer and the Scorpion King c.3100bce

Anciet Egypt. who was menes?

the king who united the upper and lower part of Egypt! .

Who united and lower Egypt?

Pharaoh Menes the king of Memphis

What date was upper Egypt and Lower Egypt joined together?

Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt were united together by Pharaoh Menes in 3100bc. Hope that's helped.Was accomplished by king Menes.

Did Ahmose combine upper and lower Egypt?

No. King Narmer (Menes) united Upper and Lower Egypt