

Who was al Capone's secretary?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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Q: Who was al Capone's secretary?
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What did Al Capones business card read?

I read that he was identified as a Used Furniture Salesman

If Jesse James gang faced of with Al Capones gang who would win?

Capone would have won hands down. He had the numbers, the weaponry and the transportation advantages. He also had the essential finances to support his criminal army against the James Boys.

Which school did al Capone go to?

It was actually Capones brother who quit school. Contrary to popular belief, Al Capone did not quit school but his brother Raffaele did. Al Capone was the first child in his family to graduate from high school. This according to many researched sites that include several well respected websites including Wikipedia.

Who are the next 10 people in line to take presidency after the president dies?

there are actually 17 people: President Vice President Speaker of the House of Representatives President Pro Tempore of the Senate Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Labor Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Energy Secretary of Education Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Who becomes president if both president and vice president die while on office?

Next in line after VP is Speaker of the House. Then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, then Secretary of State, then Secretary of Treasury, then Secretary of Defense, then Attorney General, then Secretary of the Interior, then Secretary of Agriculture, then Acting Secretary of Commerce, then Secretary of Labor, then Secretary of Health and Human Services, then Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, then Secretary of Transportation, then Secretary of Energy, then Secretary of Education, then Secretary of Veterans Affairs, then Secretary of Homeland Security.