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Q: Who was a democrat who stated in the Freeport Doctrine that territories had a legal right to keep out slavery?
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What was Stephen A Douglas's freeport doctrine?

Stephen Douglas' Freeport Doctrine referred to the proposal that territories had the right to refuse slavery if they chose. This was against a Supreme Court decision. The doctrine was espoused in his debates with Abraham Lincoln in 1858.

What is the significance of the freeport doctrine?

The individual territories can choose to abolish slavery in that territory if they descide they wish to do so. Evie

In what doctrine did Stephen Douglas say that a territory could prohibit slavery?

Freeport Doctrine

Douglas's stand that people could exclude slavery by refusing to pass laws protecting slaveholders' rights came to be known as?

It was known as the Freeport Doctrine.

What best defines the Freeport Doctrine?

The Freeport Doctrine was Stephen Douglas's answer to Lincoln's question, in which he explained that slavery could only exist where there was a slave code. If a state did not pass the necessary laws to protect slavery, then they could not have slavery exist there. He argued that a territory had the right to exclude slavery, despite the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case.

In the Douglas stated that the people of a territory ultimately decided whether or not they wanted slavery?

freeport doctrine

How did Stephen Douglas think that people could get around the Dred Scott decision?

Stephen Douglas believed that people could ignore the Dred Scott decision by not enforcing it in certain territories, allowing people living in those territories to regulate slavery through popular sovereignty. He proposed the idea of "Freeport Doctrine," where he argued that territories could effectively prohibit slavery by not passing laws to protect it, despite the Supreme Court ruling.

Stephen Douglas's response to slavery?

Stephen Douglas was a proponent of popular sovereignty, believing that individual territories should decide for themselves whether to permit or prohibit slavery. He supported the idea of maintaining the Union even if it meant compromising on issues such as slavery, as seen in the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Douglas argued that these compromises were necessary to prevent civil war.

When Stephen Douglas explained that slavery could be excluded from a territory if the officials did not pass laws to protect it his argument became known as the .?

It was known as the Freeport Doctrine.

Senator William sewards doctrine that slavery should be excluded from the territories?

It is the principle of Higher Law.

What debates did people have during the civil war?

Over 1500 people attended the original debate in Freeport, then a town of 5000. Freeport doctrine, which was the result of the debate, states people had the right to choose wether or not to exclude slavery from their limits. GA

Thoughtful political discussions during sn Illinois senate campaign that sharply defined national issues concerning slavery?

freeport doctrine the Lincoln- Douglass debates