

Who was a British loyalist?

Updated: 12/4/2022
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Q: Who was a British loyalist?
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Was George Grenville a patriot or a loyalist?

He is neither a Loyalist nor a Patriot. George Grenville was not a British colonist, however he was British.

What was a loyalist party in the revolutionary war?

A 'Loyalist' , also known as 'Royalist' was somebody who remained true to the British Crown and Empire. The Loyalist Party was what they belonged to/

What type of colonist were loyalist?

loyalist are people who stuck with king george 3 and the British Goverment during when the British were taxing the colonies

How do you use loyalist in a sentence?

In history a loyalist means to stay loyal to a cause or country. The Loyalist continued to fight for the British army.

General Earl Cornwallis loyalist or a patriot?

loyalist i beleive. sorry other sources confuse me..

Who is an example opf an loyalist?

Queen Elizabeth is a example of Loyalist because she saported the British government...

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Are loyalist also british?

Not necessarily. A loyalist was an American colonist who wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain.

What defines a loyalist during the American revolution?

A loyalist is a person who backed the British and the King. They were "loyal " to the crown.

What contributed to the defeat of British troops in the?

The British did not support Loyalist militias adequately.

What contributed to the defeat of British in the south?

The British did not support Loyalist militias adequately.

What contributed to the british defeat in the south?

The British did not support Loyalist militias adequately.