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Willaim Harvey is a scientist that discovered that your blood circulates all around your body and your heart works as a pump. He was born on April 1st, 1578 and he died on June 3, 1657 in london. He was the oldest out of 7 children. He gave a lot to this world.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

William Harvey was a English physician who discovered the circulation of blood. He showed that blood flows from the heart in arteries and back to the heart in veins. He was born on April 1, 1578 in Folkestone, Kent. His father was a merchant. William was educated at King's College, Canterbury and then at Cambridge. Harvey decided to carry on his education by studying medicine at the University of Padua, in Italy. He was tutored by scientist and surgeon, Hieronymus Fabricius. He Graduated in 1602 and went back to England where he married Elizabeth Browne, in 1604. William was greatly intrigued by the puzzling mystery of how the one-way valves functioned, as nobody could discover the truth. In those days, many thought that food was converted into blood by the liver, then was consumed as fuel by the body.He dissected various animals, and then discovered that the blood did infact flow from the heart in a type of blood tube called the arteries and back to the in veins. He passed away on June 3, 1657. Mandeep Sidhu.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He studied blood circulation. He discovered that the heart and not the lungs circulated blood through the body.

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