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Before he became president he was a planter, lawyer, writer, philosopher, scientist, and a architect. he was the author of the declaration of independence and he became the third president of the United States in 1801.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Thomas Jefferson was a wealthy land owner and patriot during the American Revolution.

He was author of the Declaration of Independence, and the 3rd President of the United States. See links below.

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8y ago

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was a Virginia planter, politician, and Founding Father of the US. He was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the first US ambassador to France. He was later elected the 3rd President of the US. He had six children with his wife Martha Skelton Jefferson and possibly fathered one or more of the six children of the slave Betty Hemings (who was 3/4 white and his wife's half-sister).

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9y ago

Thomas Jefferson's presidency initiated the quarter-century rule of the "Virginia Dynasty" (1801-1825), including the presidencies of loyal Jeffersonians James Madison (1809-1817) and James Monroe (1817-1825). As the center of political gravity shifted southward with the Republican ascendancy, the party gained new strength to the north, progressively marginalizing Federalists as an effective national opposition party. But the founders' fantasy of faction-free politics was not to be fulfilled. Emerging splits among Republicans themselves pitted orthodox, strict constructionist "Old Republicans" against "National Republicans" who favored a more positive and activist (according to critics, Hamiltonian) conception of federal power. Quarrels among Jeffersonian-Republicans foreshadowed the division between Jacksonian Democrats, self-proclaimed legatees of Jeffersonian orthodoxy, and Whigs who promoted a neo-Federalist, National Republican policy agenda while warning against "King Andrew's" dangerous consolidation of authority.

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11y ago

Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father, a principle author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States.

He was also a tobacco planter and life-long slave owner.
President #5 - jeffeRson

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