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Q: Who was The Nonintercourse Act allowed Americans to trade with all nations except Britain and .?
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Which nations trade with America based on the Nonintercourse Act?


What 2 European nations fought with the Americans against the British?

France and Spain, were the 2 nations that helped to support financially and fought with the Americans against Great Britain.

Under the WHAT. Americans could trade with all nations except Britain and France?

The Embargo Act of 1807

What organization consist of Great Britain and 52 former Britain colonies?

The Commonwealth of Nations.

Describe the attitudes held by Americans about colonizing other lands?

Because America had to fight for their independence from Britain, they disliked the idea of colonizing other nations...However two groups of Americans were outspoken in their SUPPORT of imperialism.

Which nations had claim in Oregon?

The Nations that had claim in Oregon was Great Britain and the United States.

Who were the winners of World War I?

Technically the Allied nations including Britain, Italy, France and the Americans. They were called the Big 4.

One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the?

One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain had to do with international trade. More specifically, it was the increasing desire of Americans to expand trade opportunities to include countries other than Britain.

How did the America Revolution end and what did the Tready of Paris indicate?

The Americans won, the treaty said that America was independent of Britain and specified certain fishing rights between America and Britain in north America, allowed creditors of each country to be paid by citizens of the other, restored the rights and property of Loyalists in America, opened up the Mississippi River to citizens of both nations and provided for evacuation of all British forces from the U.S.

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Why wern't the two nations allowed to join the league of nations?

Germany and Russia

What was true about the Warsaw Pact?

It consisted of Eastern bloc nations. It allowed for Soviet troops to be stationed in member nations. It required members to fight in the defense of other member nations.