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Leon Trotsky.

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Q: Who was Stalin's rival for control of russia in the late 1920s?
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The rival bootleggers in Chicago were causing turmoil on the streets because they were trying to control the illegal enterprises.

Why did japan fight the russo-Japanese war in1904?

Growing tensions with Russia due to rival ambitions to control Manchuria and Korea.

Who was Stalins main rival and what did he do with him?

Leon Trotsky was Stalin's main rival inside the Soviet Union. Stalin had him deported and finally assasinated. Adolf Hitler was Stalin's main rival outside the USSR. The Russian army invaded Germany and found Hitler dead.

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The Russo-Japanese war came about due to rival ambitions of both Japan and Russia to control Manchuria and Korea.

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Russia .

Was the US a rival against Russia and if so why?

Yes they were rivals, especially during the cold war, but during the cold war Russia was part of the Soviet Union, it was the leading and by far the most dominant state, therefore it is correct to say that Russia itself rivaled the US. For the US it was important to rival Russia because if Russia invaded and took over Europe, US would find itself in a very bad situation.

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Check the manufacturer's website.