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Gompers was an early union organizer in the USA. He did not protect rights; at the time he worked, there were few legal rights for workers.

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Q: Who was Samuel gompers and how did he help protect workers' rights?
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he think that they are wrong.

What role did Samuel Gompers play in union growth?

Samuel Gompers was a key figure in the growth of labor unions in the United States. He served as the president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) for 37 years, advocating for the rights of workers and improving their working conditions. Gompers focused on skilled workers and economic issues, advocating for collective bargaining and preventing strikes. Under his leadership, the AFL became one of the most influential labor organizations in the country.

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No, Samuel Gompers is not considered a captain of industry. He was a labor leader and founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), advocating for workers' rights and fair labor practices. Captains of industry were typically powerful industrialists and business leaders who played a significant role in shaping the American economy during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What did Samuel gompers lead?

Samuel Gompers was a great leader and founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), which became one of the most influential labor unions in the United States. Under his leadership, the AFL fought for better wages, shorter work hours, and improved working conditions for American workers. Gompers was known for his successful efforts in lobbying for labor rights and negotiating collective bargaining agreements with employers.

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What was one goal of the workingmen's party?

To protect the rights of skilled workers. (Novanet-US History 1)

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to protect the rights of workers

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To protect the rights of skilled workers. (Novanet-US History 1)

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to protect the rights of skilled workers.

What one goal of the workingmen's party?

to protect the rights of skilled workers.

Who were the major proponents of the labor movement?

Some major proponents of the labor movement include figures like Samuel Gompers, who founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL), as well as Eugene V. Debs, who organized the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). These individuals and organizations played significant roles in advocating for workers' rights, better wages, and improved working conditions.