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King of Epirus, he searched for a role in history in the 3rd Century BCE, taking up the cause of the Greek city of Tarentum against Rome, beating Rome in two battles, then trying his luck in Sicily and planning something in North Africa.

His limited troop resources defeated him, and he ended up interfering in southern Greece, where he was killed at Argos by an old woman who hit him with a roof tile. Not exactly a comedy of errors, but things just didn't go right for him.

A story: He was drinking with his friends when planning the Tarentum foray into Italy. One asked 'What will we do when we beat Rome?' He replied 'We can come home, take our liesure and have parties like this'. His friend responder 'Why don't we stay here and have the parties without the nasty bit?'

Another story: His victories over Rome cost him badly, losing most of his close friends and decimating his army. When congratulated after the second victory, he replied 'One more victory like this and I am completely undone.'

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What kingdoms bordered ancient Macedonia?

They were; Thessaly, Epirus, Thrace, Paeonia and Illyria

What kindoms bordered ancient Macedonia?

Ancient Paeonia to the north was a foreign kingdom and Epirus to the west, like Macedonia, was also a Homeric style Greek kingdom.

What was Alexander's mom?

Olympias.Answer IIOlympias of Epirus was the mother of Alexander the Great. She was the daughter of King Neoptolemus of Epirus. She was the fourth wife of the King of Macedonia, Phillip II the father of Alexander. Plutarch the Ist century biographer said that since Olympias was a devout member of the orgiastic snake worshiping cult of Dionysus, therefore, she may have slept with snakes.She was originally named Polyxena as Plutarch mentions in his work Moralia. She had changed her name to Myrtale prior to her marriage to Philip II . Maybe she had take the name Olympias in recognition of Phillip's victory in the Olympic Games of 356 BC. She was finally named Stratonice, which was likely an epithet attached to Olympias following her victory over Eurydice in 317 BC.Read more: What_is_the_name_of_Alexander_the_great_mother_name

What was something great about Alexander the great's mother?

Alexanders mother was Phillips ( Alexander's dad) 4th wife. Her name was Olympias and she was the daughter of Neoptolemus l, the king of Epirus. Olympias was the prime wife of seven to Phillip.

Why was Pyrrhus famous?

Pyrrhus [Πύρρος] was a great general of the Hellenistic era, King of the Molossians [Μολοσσοί] of the royal house of Aeacid. He became king of Epirus and later of Macedon. He was famous for his battles that though victorious cost him heavy losses thus the term Pyrrhic victory.

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What is the web address of the Heritage Museum Of Epirus in Astoria New York?

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What is the phone number of the Heritage Museum Of Epirus in Astoria New York?

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