Paul Bunyan is a tall tale about a lumberjack. It is unknown whether or not he actually existed.
Paul Bunyan was the famous hero lumberjack in American folklore.
Thanks for not answering it, people, because I need it for my homework and I never read the story!
John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim's Progress.John Bunyan - 1864The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come is a 1678 Christian allegory written by John Bunyan.
Paul Bunyan employed three hundred cooks to prepare meals for his crews. Since they consumed so much food, and at a high rate of speed, pancakes proved to be a favorite dish, that cooked quickly and was satisfying. Calling the crews to eat represented a problem because it required such a huge horn to signal them, that when blown, it was capable of causing ten acres of pine trees to fall down.
Paul Bunyan
Paul Bunyan. And his companion Babe the blue ox
Paul Bunyan's younger (and smaller) brother was Cordwood Pete.
Paul Bunyan Land was created in 1950.
National Paul Bunyan Day is always June 27.
Paul Bunyan State Forest was created in 1935.
The area of Paul Bunyan Land is 728,434.156032 square meters.
Paul Bunyan is NOT real, so he didn't invent anything.
The Paul Bunyan Award is presented annually by the Detroit Lions to their most outstanding lineman. It was first awarded in 1953 and is named after the legendary lumberjack Paul Bunyan.
Paul Bunyan's blue ox was named Babe.
Paul Bunyan did not die. He is a mythological lumberjack in American folklore and not a real person.
Paul Louis Bunyon