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he was a black man who helped stop people from discrination
he beleived in love and peace to solve problems not fists.
he was asinated by someone during on of his speeches though i forget the name of the killer

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11y ago

He was a black Baptist minister who became the leader of the Civil Rights Movement to fight for justice for coloured people in the USA.Untill the 1960s,the black people in many states of the US,specially in the south,were rigidy seperated; they had different coaches and buses.....

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10y ago

Martin Luter King Jr. is a person who stopped segregation back then in the United States of America.

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15y ago

He was an african-american man who did his best to help whites and blacks be friends. And that is why there are water fountains that are 4 everyone.

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Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation by posting his Ninety-Five Theses on the church door.

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Well Martin Luther King Had Only 1 Son And He Was Born In July 17;)

Martin Lurther King Jr was president of what association?

Martin Luther King was president of the National Association for the Advance of Coloured People.

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Martin Luther fought for freedom, civil rights and fought against racism, discrimination and prejudice.

Martin lurther king day of birth?

January 15th, 1929.